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Monday, May 6, 2024 at 6:00 AM

Government Should ‘Stay Out Of Our Private Lives

May 4, 2023 Editor, The News-Gazette: In a democracy - It’s not the job of the government to tell us who to pray to. It’s not the job of government to tell us what books we can or cannot read. It’s not the job of the government to tell us the size of our families. It’s not the job of the government to poke its nose in the most private and autonomous decisions of a woman and her reproductive choices.

In a democracy, most educators, like journalists, want to present fair and balanced material to their students. (Educators love a good debate between educated people). I trust educators to do their jobs. In a democracy, journalists need to have the freedom to write the truth. I trust journalists to do their jobs.

The people need to trust that those that make the laws also have ethical standards. The job of the government? The job of the government is to pave our roads, build our schools, protect our lands and insure that all citizens are treated fairly and equitably. In a democracy, the job of the government is to pave roads and stay way out of our private lives. CYNTHIA ATKINS Rockbridge County

